After a life-threatening medical event, Michele recognized that improved health and wellness were not optional. So she reduced stress, hired a coach and personal trainer, and completely transformed her life, including losing over forty pounds. Much of this happened when she figured out and embraced how to "be" with herself, and with those around her. She decided to become a certified coach so she could empower others to experience the kind of transformation she had realized. Using the Co-Active Model, Michele listens deeply, asks lots of questions, and gets her clients to become alive in ways they previously had only imagined. Having trained in one of the first and still most highly regarded programs in the world, Michele brings all the pieces together to offer a powerful life-changing experience for her clients.
Michele Davenport brings over 30 years of experience working in a variety of sectors and disciplines. Serving people in some capacity has always been her passion, most recently through her leadership of a Bay Area nonprofit serving inner city youth. From human resources at Philip Morris' NYC world headquarters to a pioneering airline start-up, regional sales at Kraft Foodservice, and a successful home-based business for a best-selling skincare brand, Michele has impacted the lives of individuals and organizations in myriad ways. She has worked and lived in every major region of the country, which affords her a sensibility about how people view themselves in their communities and in the world. How do you show up at work? How do your peers view you? What's your role in your family system? What's fulfilling and gratifying for you? Is your investment to output ratio where you'd like it to be? All these questions and many more are what Michele explores as most of us strive for greater balance, more joy and expanded bandwidth for living on our own terms.
Michele grew up in North Jersey as part of a large family that imparted strong values and a keen sense of service. With nearly 50 first cousins in her hometown, Michele learned early on that how you relate and connect to those around you is vital to leading a happy, successful, and productive life. She "coached" before coaching was mainstream; she mentored siblings and younger relatives on a daily basis and discovered it was her nature to work in a way that involved serving people and meeting them where they were.