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mcs new year new you retreat 2x4 2021 v5



May I spread the word and invite other women?


Absolutely, but only women you really care about and who you think will value this unique experience and those you want to spend a whole day with!

What’s the inspiration for “The Retreat?”


Many clients, friends and colleagues have asked for this sort of gathering.  If becoming a private client is not appealing or within your budget at this time, this is a way to experience the benefits of a sacred space where you're led to move through the clog points and stagnation and to turn inward.



Is The Retreat planned for a particular age group?


No, this is for women of all ages and in the past it's been multi=generational.  This is for any woman who is interested in spending the next 12 months getting really intimate with herself  —  pausing, listening to her inner wisdom, and moving from that place to greater day-to-day fulfillment and satisfaction.


Is registration refundable?


No it is not, but it's transferable.



Do you have to be a private client in order to participate? 


Not all all!  The Retreat is designed for all women. Current clients are encouraged to attend too, because this will be a unique experience that differs from our regular coaching relationship. Current clients will be offered preferred pricing!


What’s your background and experience?


I work with men and women of all ages who are challenged to move forward in a particular area or category of their lives. I’ve spent many years in human resources and serving as a mentor and advisor to corporate professionals, homemakers, non-profit leaders and more.  I know my purpose is to support others to find their voice, and this retreat is a way of me serving and walking on purpose.  See "About Michele" on this site to learn more.

Questions? Email Us at

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