What's Your Waterski Moment?
A few days ago I had a chance to try waterskiing for the first time. How exhilarating was that? I'll tell you - it was akin to riding "The Cyclone" Roller Coaster at Coney Island back in the 70's. It was awesome to try something new and see how it turned out. I took in plenty of water taken over several attempts, but it sure felt good to have the wind and water in my face. I'm nobody's top athlete, but I felt pretty bold and courageous out there on the water at Lake Tahoe taking it all in. This summer, what's your bold, courageous move? What's your waterski moment? If you're not sure how to identify or access your bold and courageous self, join us for Discover & Uncover Workshop... 1. Clarify your values 2. Create your life purpose statement 3. Unleash your power Contact us today to host or attend a workshop!