Daring Greatly - A Discussion - Week 2
Last night we completed our second discussion on Daring Greatly by exploring Chapter Two - Debunking the Vulnerability Myths. Our discussion was lively and covered these four myths:
vulnerability is a weakness
I "don't do" vulnerability - that's for the other guys
vulnerability is letting it all hang out
I can go it alone - "I got this"
We'd love to hear what you think about all this - join our discussion - we're having a blast!
When is the LAST time you did something for the FIRST time?
What was it like to be vulnerable in that situation?
According to Dr. Brown, there are four elements of shame resilience...
Join us next week for that discussion - but only if you're open to "daring greatly!"
Every Wednesday at 5PM PDT / 8PM EDT
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There's still time to join, but you have to act fast because you have to buy the book!
Series ends September 9, 2015