Happy Veteran’s Day + I Miss You, Dad…

On this Veteran’s Day and always on November 11th we honor all current and former members of the Armed Services who sacrificed for our country and our freedom. For me, this day of honoring is amplified as I remember my dad who, while not a soldier in the legal sense, he was a soldier and champion in his own rite. He transitioned on this day in 2002 and it’s mind-blowing to me how ever-present he is in my heart and mind. Needless to say, I miss him a lot and at the same time I know he smiles with pride as he observes from afar how his legacy lives on. He was a man of service, he lived brilliantly and boldly and I’ll forever be his first-born girl!
He’s likely the person who had the single most powerful impact on me and the woman I am today – always an advocate for those whose voices were either marginalized, suppressed or simply ignored. As you salute and celebrate the men and women who serve in the Armed Forces so we can all do and be who we are, take a moment and think of those who may not be in “the service” but who are of and “about service.” To each of you, I am grateful.
Happy Veteran’s Day!