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Movement Moments - Corporate Well-Beingby Jillian Faulks-Majuta

Tis’ the season for change. In much of the US, we have moved into daylight savings time with longer days with more sunlight. When is the last time you took a moment to revamp your daily or weekly habits that may be contributing to or taking you further away from your wellness goals? Is it time to set new goals? Spring is a great season to increase your movement. Here are a few things to consider to get more movement in your day.

  1. Think about moving during the commercials of one of your favorite shows.

  2. How about a big shift to moving during a full episode of one of your favorite shows. Think squats, arm circles, leg raises, jumping jacks, crunches…

  3. Another opportunity to consider is to look for the furthest parking space from the grocery store door.

  4. During the work day - consider incorporating these movement moments into your zoom meetings or daytime phone calls. Consider even announcing it and inviting your colleagues to join you in these movement moments!

These are not meant to take the place of your daily walks and weekly workouts but rather suggestions to add a little more movement in your day. Keeping your body moving helps keep your cells healthy and can contribute to improved circulation, lung capacity and improved heart health. Enjoy and get moving!


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