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Set some time aside to be with YOURSELF

We have moved our way into a new quarter, the one that marks the halfway point for the year. It's a great time to check-in with yourself on how you are thriving. At the top of each year many of us are intentional about setting clear goals and sticking with them. We are generally pretty steadfast at taking action for 75 days or so before getting distracted, losing momentum or just forgetting the goals entirely. Sometimes when the new season rolls around we pick back up on those goals.

Do you ever wonder what shifts your motivation? As a certified Health Coach and Kemetic Yoga instructor, I’ve often found that my “why” is often connected to my commitment to a specific goal. When was the last time you checked in with your "why"? You know, the reason you created the goal in the first place. Here's my invitation to you:

  • Set some time aside to be with YOURSELF. If it's helpful, put it on your calendar

  • Create a mood that inspires clarity and openings. Light a candle and sip a soothing blend of tea. Create your vibe.

  • Write your goal down at the top of a sheet of paper.

  • Close your eyes, take 3 deep cleansing breaths.

  • Open your eyes and begin to write why you set this goal for yourself in the first place. How will your life be different when you have achieved this goal? What steps will you take when you are faced with a hurdle/barrier/self doubt?

  • Now create an action plan. Every morning when you rise, ask yourself what ONE thing can I do today to get me closer to achieving my goal?

Remember to be kind to yourself and give yourself as much grace as you give the people who care the most about.


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