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Summer Fun

  • What's a summer activity you really enjoyed as child?

  • How can you adapt that activity to a present-day experience?

For me, it was playing kickball with my siblings and cousins. I grew up in North Jersey and had nearly 50 first cousins who lived within walking distance of one another - it was a non stop family reunion! We spent lots of time down the shore, at the local pool, going to the drive-in movie theater or just playing in the park. But kickball was the thing I loved - I was the kickball queen and could kick that ball really far and run like somebody was chasing me. Of course, that's probably because someone was. As a baby boomer who's pretty athletic and decently fit, I can't run those bases nor kick that far anymore, but the feeling I got when playing can be replicated in a way that connects me to that kind of joy. These days it looks like playing half-court basketball with my 7 and 9-year old grand-nephews. That's how I'm adapting the summer fun of my youth to my current place and time. And it's absolutely free!

As the Summer of '21 continues to unfold, everything pandemic-related evokes and inspires transformation. Consider these prompts as you walk, journal, meditate or pause simply from Zoom meetings today & tomorrow:

  • For me, what does returning to work look like?

  • How will I socialize with the people that I love?

  • What does it look like for me to be in a crowd amongst strangers?

  • What habits, behaviors or mindsets am I interested in leaving behind?

  • What have I really enjoyed about this different way of being that I'd like to amplify or carry forward?

At MCS we frame challenges as invitations to look inside one's heart, head and spirit. Here's my invitation for each one of you -

Get out there between now and August 16th and do something that reconnects you to a simple joyful time/experience of your childhood or youth. I'm not talking about an exotic trip, or something that requires a lot of effort or expense. Make it really, really simple - but here's the challenge - ADAPT it to your present day life, energy, resource level!


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