A Million Silver Linings
SIP has taken on a whole new meaning as I continue to explore a million silver linings. Part of my coronavirus, global pandemic, shelter...

Daring Greatly - A Discussion - Week 2
Last night we completed our second discussion on Daring Greatly by exploring Chapter Two - Debunking the Vulnerability Myths. Our...

What's Your Vision?
By the sites of this photo, you're probably wondering what's going on with my vision! Just a few minutes ago I left the Eye MD Surgery...

Daring Greatly - What Does A Wholehearted Life Look Like? - Week 3
Week three wrapped up last night in our discussion of "Daring Greatly - How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live,...

We do "radical" at MCS
I can't believe it's the last day of August - where did the time go? Lazy days of summer will soon come to a close - and space will be...

Daring Greatly - A Discussion - Week 1
When it came time to name her new book, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and...
The Coach's Role - Investigative Reporter
I saw this posted by Annie Wigman <annie@anniewigman.com> on Jun 2, 2015 and thought it summed up coaching pretty well, so I thought I'd...

Travel Weary
These clouds were in my view from the aircraft on a really stormy day in New York City. After a 4 hour delay, and nearly missing the...
What's Your Waterski Moment?
A few days ago I had a chance to try waterskiing for the first time. How exhilarating was that? I'll tell you - it was akin to riding...

What's Your Process?
What's your process? Where's your nourishment coming from? Is your head in the sand? These beautiful seagulls illustrate how natural it...