What's Your Vision?
By the sites of this photo, you're probably wondering what's going on with my vision! Just a few minutes ago I left the Eye MD Surgery...
10 FREE Coaching Sessions in 10 DAYS!
10 FREE Coaching Sessions in 10 DAYS! Complimentary Strategy Session - Click Here to Schedule! http://bit.ly/22i2VmB The first ten...
The Authenticity Paradox - Harvard Business Review Article
The Authenticity Paradox - Why feeling like a fake can be a sign of growth. by Herminia Ibarra Read Article
No One Is Too Busy to Be Creative
Elizabeth Gilbert’s latest book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, has been called a must-read for anyone hoping to live a creative...
7 Ways to Fall into Fall
I found this encouraging. I hope you do as well! With the winding down of summer, nature’s settling down and preparing for the winter....
He's Thirsty...
I live in a wooded area in beautiful Oakland, California, and it's not uncommon to see silver fox wandering around as dusk approaches. To...
Daring Greatly Wrap Up
Thanks everyone for participating in the six week teleseries and book discussion on Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. It's my hope that...
Proud Supporter of the "40 Under 40: Tech Diversity - Silicon Valley" Celebration
We are a proud supporter of the “40 Under 40: Tech Diversity – Silicon Valley” Reception, Awards and Celebration. Join the 300+ people...
Daring Greatly - Week 5
It's Week Five of our book discussion and Brené Brown is making us think about "minding the gap" and "disruptive engagement." Consider...